Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem. Enterprise Management, Vol. 27, No. 1 (2024)

Spis treści | Table of contents

abstract = {This study examines three hypotheses regarding motivation and remuneration within organizations. A questionnaire survey investigates whether over 50% of companies have an internal reward system, if more than half of employees are dissatisfied with their salary, and if a majority of individuals perceive their compensation as unjust. Findings confirm these hypotheses, emphasizing the importance of understanding internal remuneration systems in evaluating employee motivation and satisfaction. The research underscores the need for organizations to ensure equitable compensation practices and highlights the significance of employees comprehending financial evaluation
criteria for enhancing performance and skills development. It also emphasizes the importance of periodic evaluation and updating motivation and reward systems to improve benefits and mitigate drawbacks. Overall, this study contributes to the discourse on employee motivation and remuneration, offering insights into organizational practices to enhance employee engagement and satisfaction.},
author = {Be´ata Furmannov´a and  J´an Zuzik and  ˇLuboslav Dulina and  Martin Gaˇso and  Vladim´ıra Biˇnasov´},
doi = {10.25961/ent.manag.27.01.01},
issue = {1},
journal = {Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem. Enterprise Management},
keywords = {Mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, motivation of workers, remuneration of workers, reward systems.},
pages = {2-7},
title = {Exploring worker evaluation practices in mechanical engineering enterprises: a cross-sectional study},
volume = {27},
year = {2024},

abstract = {The paper presents traditional calculations for determining the prime costs of production used in production practice. Contemporary conditions of production organization at workstations are characterized. The article contains an assessment of the state of knowledge of employees of technical departments of production enterprises about cost calculation. Trends in the development of production prime costs calculation are determined and proposals for changes in the place and scope of determining the prime costs of production in the organizational structure of enterprises are given. Methods of acquiring knowledge among employees of enterprises on shaping and
determining the prime costs of production are also proposed.},
author = {Ewa Kaczmar-Kolny and Józef Matuszek},
doi = {10.25961/ent.manag.27.01.02},
issue = {1},
journal = {Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem. Enterprise Management},
keywords = {Production process, production cost calculation.},
pages = {8-12},
title = {Rodzaje organizacji pracy we współczesnych procesach produkcyjnych i ich wpływ na określanie kosztów własnych. Types of work organization in present production processes and their impact on determining production costs},
volume = {27},
year = {2024},

abstract = {Controlling the size of inventories in a manufacturing company allows, firstly, to reduce costs, secondly, to increase profits, and thirdly, to relieve the burden on working capital. In practice, the approach and indicators chosen by companies for inventory management and planning often turn out to be ineffective, which may subsequently cause problems related to lack of funds for settlements with suppliers, lack of warehouse space, the possibility of losing important customers, and the like. The combination of all such problems can lead to the bankruptcy of a company. Inventory control is a complex process that should be improved. The aim of the research work was to
analyze inventory management and develop directions for improving and increasing the efficiency of the inventory control system of a selected company from the construction industry. The article characterizes the activities of the analyzed company, and an analysis of inventory control was carried out, during which problems related to this process were revealed. As part of the project, three groups were distinguished in terms of rotability of finished beam-type products. As a result, recommendations for solving the existing shortcomings were proposed for each group.},
author = {Anastasiya Katsko and  Arkadiusz Gola},
doi = {10.25961/ent.manag.27.01.03},
issue = {1},
journal = {Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem. Enterprise Management},
keywords = {Inventory management, storage, warehouse, production process, ceiling beam.},
pages = {13-23},
title = {System zarzadzania zapasami z wykorzystaniem metody ABC – case study na przykładzie przedsiębiorstwa produkcyjnego z branży budowlanej. Inventory management system using the ABC method – case study on the example of a manufacturing company from the construction industry},
volume = {27},
year = {2024},

abstract = { The paper presents a practical example of improvement of production systems on the basis modelling and simulation. A bottleneck as well as limiting factors were specified in a system. A number of improvements were proposed, aimed at improving work organization on the machining socket. An analysis of work ergonomics at the workplace was made in order to eliminate unnecessary and onerous for the employee actions. A model of production system using the Arena software, on which a simulation experiment was conducted, was drawn up in order to visualize the analysed phenomena. The effects of the project were shown on graphs comparing times, work ergonomics and overall efficiency of production equipment indicator},
author = {Sławomir Kukla},
doi = {10.25961/ent.manag.27.01.04},
issue = {1},
journal = {Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem. Enterprise Management},
keywords = {Modelling, simulation and visualization of production systems, ergonomics, rationalization},
pages = {24-28},
title = {Symulacja, wizualizacja i racjonalizacja systemów produkcyjnych. Simulation, visualization and rationalization of production systems},
volume = {27},
year = {2024},

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